By Unknown Saturday, December 20, 2014 android emulator debian linux Software Clash of Clans on Debian Clash of Clans From wikipedia : Clash of Clans is a 2012 freemium mobile MMO strategy video game developed and published by Supercell ...
By Unknown 6:53 AM android emulator debian linux Emulate Android on Debian There are several ways to emulate android on debian. In this post we will try to emulate Samsung Galaxy Note 3 on debian using Genymotion. T...
By Unknown Friday, December 19, 2014 android emulator debian linux Software Genymotion on Debian Jessie Genymotion is the next generation of the AndroVM opensource project. it's even easier to use and offers lots more features (www.genymoti...
By Unknown Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1437 Enchantress set basic colour WIP Here is an update to the 1437 set! Colours are still being worked on but it closeish to being finalised!