By Unknown Sunday, May 25, 2014 Highpoly model for a new mirana mount done! I started a new Mirana set during the TI4 qualifiers. I really love this hero and I've been wanting to make her a new set for a long tim...
By Unknown 4:07 PM Meracle's Naga set, Shimmering Radience is up on the DOTA2 Workshop! A naga siren set for the Pro Player Meracle from team Scythe! Meracle is well known for his amazing competitive Naga Siren and I wanted to ...
By Unknown Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Naga Siren Wallpaper Loadingscreen Here is a 1920x1080 sized image of the loading screen I made for my naga set! just change the s1600 in the URL to s1920 :) Also ingame shots...
By Unknown Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Colour maps done for Naga Wow the colour pallet for this hero was hard to make work right. Trying to make the mantas work with naga and then run that theme through th...
By Unknown Thursday, May 8, 2014 Clash of Clans - Base designs - part 1 - Base types In Clash of Clans you need to have both a good attack and a good defense. And today I'd like start covering the many aspects of base def...
By Unknown 8:44 AM giveaway sweepstake Win a Free $15 iTunes gift card! Click on the image for further instructions
By Unknown Tuesday, May 6, 2014 clash of clans cheat websites All The Clash Of Clans Scam Sites With the onslaught of thousands of Clash Of Clans cheat websites popping up every second, I'd thought I make a list of them here. This l...
By Unknown Thursday, May 1, 2014 Naga Siren High poly finished Finally finished the high poly model for my Naga siren set!